Text: 661-505-5555 CounselorBrandy@gmail.com


Is it important to have a direct long-term ongoing professional relationship with the practitioner that certifies you?

It is extremely important to have a direct long-term ongoing professional relationship with the practitioner that certifies you. The longer you recertify with me the stronger your case becomes for keeping a service/support animal.  The internet companies are the “middle man” and it doesn’t look reputable long term to use them.

Is a service/support animal certification a certification of the animal?

A service/support animal certification is NOT a certification of the animal, but instead, certifying the person has a mental health issue allowing them an animal of their choice.

What does your professional license attest for?

I utilize my professional license to attest and vouch that you qualify as having a mental health issue/disability and are entitled to all the rights that go with that.  

Why does certification expire?

Mental health can change drastically from year to year, which is why certifications legally expire yearly. You must recertify each year.  

Do I need to tell people about my diagnosis?

No one is entitled to know your diagnosis as that is HIPPA protected private information. People can ask about your symptoms or how the animal helps but that is it.  I help you with all of that wording, the proper vests, and verification forms for housing and airlines.

What is the difference between ESA and PSD?
There is a huge difference between ESA and PSD. Emotional support animals can be (cat, dog, bird, etc.) and are not entitled to fly the airlines for free.  They are legally however allowed to live with you in any rental/apartment situation free of charge. “Most” places honor the support animal certification and will allow your pet to accompany you.  The psychiatric service dog certification is for only one dog of your choice that you attest is trained to the best of your ability to help you. PSD certifications allow you to be accompanied by your animal absolutely anywhere anytime anyplace legally. This includes flying for free on your lap if preferred.
Do I have to pay expensive training costs for a psychiatric service dog?
No one can force you to pay expensive training costs for a psychiatric service dog. You are more than welcome to self-train your animal and I recommend a wonderful book to help with that.